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One hundred trillion of China's economic stations, the annual paper highlights the advantages of the system

發(fā)布時(shí)間:[2021-1-19 8:29:57]    瀏覽量:2300次
On January 18, China's annual economic report for 2020 was officially released: GDP reached 101.6 trillion yuan, exceeding 100 trillion yuan for the first time in history; per capita GDP exceeded 10,000 US dollars for the second year in a row, ranking among upper-middle-income countries; The economy grew 2.3 per cent for the year and is expected to be the only major economy in the world with positive growth. At the same time, a decisive victory was scored in the battle against poverty, and 55.75 million rural poor people were lifted out of poverty. The 13th five-year plan was successfully concluded, building the Xiaokang in an all-round way is in sight... the extraordinary report card marks the milestone of China's economic great leap forward. Recalling that 2020 was an extraordinary year, a century of change and a century of epidemic, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, China's economy rose against the tide and made extraordinary achievements in an extraordinary year, has handed over a people's satisfaction, the world's attention, can be recorded in the history of the answer. "The stability and recovery of the national economy in 2020 have achieved their main objectives better than expected, " said Ning Jizhe, director of the National Bureau of Statistics of the People's Republic of China, at a press conference held by the state news agency on January 18, unveiling China's economic results for 2020 as a preliminary calculation, the gross domestic product for the year as a whole was 1015986 billion yuan, up 2.3 percent from the previous year in terms of comparable prices. Looking at China's annual Economic Report: In late March, the spread of the local epidemic was basically blocked. In mid-april, the operating rate of enterprises above the scale exceeded 90% . GDP grew 3.2% in the second quarter, from negative to positive. Growth was 4.9% in the third quarter and 6.5% in the fourth. The quarter-by-quarter pick-up, continued good data, outlining the outbreak of a special year, China's economy bucked the trend to speed up the pace of recovery. Behind the acceleration of China's economic recovery from quarter to quarter, the vigorous power of the new economic momentum is surging. In 2020, the value-added of high-tech manufacturing and equipment manufacturing increased by 7.1% and 6.6% respectively over the previous year, outpacing the growth of large-scale industries by 4.3 percentage points and 3.8 percentage points respectively. Investment in high tech increased by 10.6% , in the fourth quarter, the retail sales of communications equipment, cosmetics and gold, silver and jewelry increased by 26.0% , 21.2% and 17.3% respectively, 16.0,7.1 and 5.0 percentage points faster than the third quarter. From 67.9 billion yuan in 1952 to the world's second largest economy at more than one hundred trillion yuan today, the Comprehensive National Power has made a historic leap, a miracle in the history of human development. Since the 18th Party Congress, China's economy has continued to leap. In 2016 and 2017, China's GDP passed the 70 trillion yuan and 80 trillion yuan respectively, and reached the 90 trillion yuan mark in 2018, accounting for more than 16 percent of the global economy. By 2020, the share of the world economy will rise from 16.3% in 2019 to around 17% , up from one hundred trillion RMB in 2010. "The GDP has already passed the 100 trillion yuan mark, which means our economic strength, scientific and technological strength, and Comprehensive National Power have jumped to a new big step. It is of great significance to complete the Xiaokang and embark on a new journey of building a modern socialist country in all respects,"Ning Jizhe said. 2020 will be a decisive year in the fight against poverty. A decisive victory in the battle against poverty, Ning Jizhe said. Under the current standard, all the rural poverty-stricken people have been lifted out of poverty, and all 832 poverty-stricken counties have been de-capped, eliminating absolute poverty in a historic way. 2020 is also the end of the 13th five-year plan. The major objectives and tasks of the 13th five-year plan have been accomplished. Major engineering projects have been basically completed, and China's economic strength, scientific and technological strength, and Comprehensive National Power have risen to a new high. The Xiaokang was completed in all respects and great historic achievements were made. A Hundred Years of magnificent journey, the beginning of a century enduring strong heart. Development is for the people, development depends on the people and the fruits of development are shared by the people. Over the past five years, the people's living standards have significantly improved, and more than 60 million new urban jobs have been created over the past five years. China has built the world's largest social security system, with basic medical insurance covering more than 1.3 billion people and basic old-age pension covering nearly 1 billion people. These achievements have been made against the backdrop of a global epidemic of new coronavirus, a deep recession in the world economy and a more complex and severe external environment. In the face of the impact of the epidemic situation, to accurately identify changes, scientific responses, and take the initiative to change. China has implemented a strong hedging policy package, which has formed a strong support for the stability of the economy. We will take solid steps to ensure the six stable areas of work and ensure the six guarantees are fully implemented. We will be the first to contain the epidemic, the first to resume work and production, and the first to realize positive economic growth. This will become a bright spot for the global economy amidst the haze of the epidemic, to be the locomotive of the world's economic recovery. This is a great achievement, but also a high gold content of the results. "The primary driving force for innovation continues to grow, " "the characteristics of coordination and endogenesis are increasingly prominent, " "the foundation for green development is quite bright, " "the road to openness must be very open, " "the fundamental purpose of sharing is more distinct, " ... China's road to high-quality economic development is more solid. Why China's economy works? In a crisis, new opportunities, in a change in the opening of a new game. The new developments and changes are indicative of the strong leadership and sound decision-making of the Party Central Committee, the strength of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and the great creativity of the hundreds of millions of people. "The party's strong leadership and significant institutional advantages are the fundamental guarantee for economic stability and social stability. "The ability of the Party Central Committee to take a long-term view and control the overall situation, the institutional advantages of socialism with Chinese characteristics to concentrate its efforts on important matters, the increasingly mature ability of economic governance, and the accurate and effective Macroeconomic regulation and control policies are the magic weapons for the overall prevention and control of the epidemic and the continued success of economic and Social Development, " Ning Jizhe said. A Hundred Years of hard work and a new voyage. This is a milestone and a new starting point for one hundred trillion of the biggest economies in China. The Fifth Plenum of the Party's 19th Central Committee set out a blueprint for development over the next five and 15 years. "The 2021 is the first year of the 14th five-year plan, and the theme of the 14th five-year plan is to promote high-quality development, " Ning Jizhe said, 2021, we will implement fiscal, monetary, employment, investment, consumption, regional and industrial policies more precisely and effectively, overcome difficulties and problems on the way forward, and keep the economy operating within a reasonable range, to realize the sustained and healthy development of China's economy. One Hundred Years of ups and downs, one century vicissitudes of life. The 2021 is the first year of the 14th five-year plan, which marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. A Hundred Years in the making is a hundred years in the making. Standing at a new historical juncture, standing on a new stage of economic aggregate, China's economy will remain stable for a long time to come. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the great ship of China will set sail for the new year, the new five years, the new hundred years and sail towards the glorious future of the realization of the Chinese Dream.
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