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Next week, steel prices or moderate moderate weak vibration operation

發(fā)布時間:[2020-6-7 8:33:36]    瀏覽量:1756次
Next week, it is forecast that the current market is driven by the continuous rise of steel billets and the policy of limiting production by environmental protection, coupled with a strong new record high in the period of spirals, the spot price continues to rise, the market trading atmosphere is active, and the overall drop in social inventory is relatively large, although June is in the traditional off-season, but considering the impact of the epidemic on demand this year, it will be delayed from now on. Steel Mills have a strong willingness to support prices. With many places overcast and rainy weather, downstream demand is general, and merchants'shipments are blocked. In view of the continued increase in production by steel enterprises this week, in addition, Meiyu season, the lower demand will weaken, the market destocking rate will slow, steel prices are expected next week or moderate moderate weak shock operation. Spot market, construction steel: Up; Continuous Steel Billets are up, steel mills are quite willing, and at the beginning of the month the capital pressure is small, steel prices are gradually going up, spot transactions have slightly increased volume, inventory has slightly decreased, but after steel prices are up, downstream operation of taking goods has slowed down, high shipments are not smooth, and supply pressure gradually increased, the market mentality is weak, currently limited prices up, there is support below, building materials prices or stable individual weak adjustment is expected next week. Hot Rolled Coil: Up; the volume hit a new high again, the spot price continued to rise, the market mentality is relatively optimistic, the trading atmosphere is active, terminal stock active, speculative demand also followed, but into June, under the influence of high temperature and rainy weather, the construction progress slows down, the market will also return to the normal demand mentality, is expected next week hot-rolled market high finishing, the adjustment range in 20-50 yuan. Heavy Plate: Up; Tangshan Limited production policy boost, the market as the price gradually rose, the release of demand stage by stage ended, the steel diving drop-off shock, the spot market demand tends to slow down, the business mentality cautious turn empty, high support is weak, late into the Meiyu season, off-season market prices gradually show, is expected next week plate prices or weak shocks, range in about 50 yuan / ton. Strip steel: Up; billet continues to rise and futures all the way to float red, under the dual power support, strip steel prices continue to rise, but the high cost of raw materials as well as the Tangshan region's environmental protection production limit upgrade, it is bound to affect the profits of the Strip steel market to be squeezed, at the same time no one high-priced goods, low-cost profit tightening dilemma, considering the next week, steel manufacturers are more optimistic, steel prices are expected to be stable in the weak finishing. Profile: Stable High; post-epidemic era, the new infrastructure is driving force, demand to maintain a steady release, and the South Meiyu season more concentrated in the short-term construction has no major impact. Strong willingness to pay raw materials, and combined with foreign epidemic in the short term is difficult to make big concessions, expected next week profile prices or maintain vibration pattern, individual adjustments around 10-20. Pipe: Stable and upward adjustment; considering that although the turnover of the raw material end can still be supported and the willingness of the merchants to maintain prices still exists, the rainy season has opened in some areas since the beginning of June, restricting the turnover of the pipe market, and the driving force of the sustained rise in the later period is still limited, pipe market is expected next week or moderate strong vibration, amplitude 10-40 or so. Raw material market, iron ore: high before and weak after; the general index fluctuated around 100 U.S. dollars; the internal powder was driven by the strong rise in the external mines; the merchants were eager to increase prices and were reluctant to sell; in addition, the spot resources were in short supply, and steel enterprises had difficulty in restocking their warehouses, and all raised their prices, the situation of short-term short-term supply is difficult to ease, high profits driven, domestic mines will be further Capacity utilization, procurement of high-priced supplies is extremely cautious, iron ore is expected to run moderately strong stable next week. SCRAP: steadily rising; the demand for scrap from steel mills remained strong this week, but with the continued increase in the cost of electric furnaces more, the level of waste from electric furnaces may fall slightly from a high level, although scrap itself has a tight supply support, but with the arrival of the Meiyu season, steel in high-cost high inventory, downstream spot transactions continue to be observed, is expected next week scrap prices or stable adjustment. Coke: Stable and rising; the fourth round of lifting in Xuzhou and Shandong areas rose 50-100, some steel mills have accepted, after lifting in Shanxi and Hebei areas, steel mills are still on the fence. At present, coke steel enterprises are operating at a high level, coke transactions are good, coke enterprises inventory at a low level, strong bullish sentiment in the market, coke prices are expected to continue to rise next week. PIG IRON: Stable and upward adjustment; at present, the enthusiasm of coking enterprises around the country for raising prices is high, and the cost of pig iron remains high. Although the South has entered a period of high temperature and rainy weather, the North welcomes wheat harvest, but affected by the increase in the prices of scrap steel and raw materials, the enthusiasm for purchasing in the lower reaches is still acceptable, some iron mills also maintain negative inventory, overall inventory pressure is small, business good state of mind, iron prices are easy to rise hard to fall, it is expected that next week pig iron stable on the strong side.
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