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China's Central Bank: yuan loans up 2.85 trillion yuan in March, m2 up 10.1% year on year

發(fā)布時間:[2020-4-12 8:25:40]    瀏覽量:1693次
Financial statistics for the first quarter of 20201. Broad money grew by 10.1% , narrow money grew by 5% , and the balance of broad money (M2) was 208.09 trillion yuan at the end of March, up 10.1% from a year earlier, the balance of the narrow money (M1) is 57.51 trillion yuan, up 5% year-on-year. The growth rate is 0.2 and 0.4 percentage points higher than that of the end of last month and the same period of last year respectively The balance of currency (M0) in circulation was 8.3 trillion yuan, up 10.8 percent year on year. In the first quarter of 2010, it dropped 583.3 billion yuan in cash. In the second and first quarters, Renminbi loans increased by 7.1 trillion yuan and foreign currency loans increased by 25.5 billion US dollars. At the end of March, the balance of domestic and foreign currency loans was 165.97 trillion yuan, up by 12.3% year on year. The balance of Renminbi loans at the end of the month was 160.21 trillion yuan, up 12.7 percent year on year and 0.6 percentage point higher than at the end of last month and 1 percentage point lower than at the same time last year. Renminbi loans rose 7.1 trillion yuan in the first quarter, up 1.29 trillion yuan from a year earlier. In the sub-sector, loans to the household sector increased by 1.21 trillion yuan, of which short-term loans decreased by 50.9 billion yuan and medium-and long-term loans increased by 1.26 trillion yuan; loans to enterprises and institutions increased by 6.04 trillion yuan, of which short-term loans increased by 2.3 trillion yuan, medium-and long-term loans increased by 3.04 trillion yuan, while bills financing increased by 630.5 billion yuan, and loans to non-banking financial institutions decreased by 172.9 billion yuan. Yuan-denominated loans increased by 2.85 trillion yuan in March, up 1.16 trillion yuan from a year earlier. At the end of March, the balance of foreign currency loans was $812.4 billion, down 3.4% from a year earlier. Foreign currency loans increased by $25.5 billion in the first quarter, or $20.6 billion less than a year earlier. Foreign currency loans fell by $3.3 billion in March, $9.5 billion more than a year earlier. Third, Renminbi deposits increased by 8.07 trillion yuan in the first quarter. Foreign currency deposits increased by 7.6 billion US dollars. At the end of March, the balance of domestic and foreign currency deposits was 206.42 trillion yuan, up by 9.2% year on year. The balance of Renminbi deposits at the end of the month stood at 200.99 trillion yuan, up 9.3 percent from a year earlier and up 1.2 and 0.6 percentage points respectively from the end of last month and the same period last year. Renminbi deposits rose 8.07 trillion yuan in the first quarter, up 1.76 trillion yuan from a year earlier. Of this total, household deposits increased by 6.47 trillion yuan, deposits of non-financial enterprises increased by 1.86 trillion yuan, fiscal deposits decreased by 314.3 billion yuan, and deposits of non-banking financial institutions decreased by 371.3 billion yuan. Renminbi deposits rose by 4.16 trillion yuan in March, up 2.44 trillion yuan from a year earlier. At the end of March, the balance of foreign currency deposits was US $765.4 billion, down 0.5% from a year earlier. Foreign currency deposits increased by $7.6 billion in the first quarter, or $33.7 billion less than a year earlier. FOREIGN-CURRENCY DEPOSITS DECLINED BY US $22.3 billion in March, a year-on-year decrease of US $24.8 billion. In April and March, the monthly weighted average interest rate for interbank yuan market interbank lending was 1.4% , and the monthly weighted average interest rate for the repurchase of pledged bonds was 1.44% , a total of 283.42 trillion yuan was traded in the Interbank Renminbi market through lending, spot bonds and repo, with an average daily turnover of 4.8 trillion yuan, an increase of 2.6 percent year-on-year. Among them, the daily average turnover of interbank lending fell 19.7% , the daily average turnover of spot bonds increased 14.6% , the daily average turnover of pledge repo increased 5% . The weighted average interbank offered rate was 1.4 percent in March, 0.43 percentage points lower than the previous month and 1.02 percentage points lower than the same period a year earlier. The weighted average interest rate for the pledged repo was 1.44 percent, it was 0.37 and 1.03 percentage points lower than the previous month and the same period of the previous year. 5. The balance of the state's foreign exchange reserves was 3.06 trillion US dollars at the end of March, and the balance of the state's foreign exchange reserves was 3.06 trillion US dollars. At the end of March, the Renminbi was trading at RMB7.0851 to the dollar. In the first quarter, cross-border trade settlement business in Renminbi was 1.46 trillion yuan, and direct investment settlement business in Renminbi was 0.78 trillion yuan, cross-border trade in goods, trade in services and other current accounts, outward direct investment and foreign direct investment settled in Renminbi accounted for 1.06 trillion yuan, 0.4 trillion yuan, 0.23 trillion yuan and 0.55 trillion yuan respectively. Note 1: Current data are preliminary. Note 2: Since August 2014, the re-export trade has been adjusted to the goods trade statistics, the goods trade volume has expanded, and the services trade volume has decreased correspondingly. Note 3: Since 2015, Renminbi, foreign currency and local currency deposits include deposits made by non-banking financial institutions, and Renminbi, foreign currency and local currency loans include loans made to non-banking financial institutions. Note 4: Loans to enterprises (institutions) in the report refer to loans to non-financial enterprises and institutions.
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