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Perception of economic dynamism from internal and external data needs

發(fā)布時(shí)間:[2019-5-11 8:57:8]    瀏覽量:1924次
The consumption of goods and services has continued to be hot, foreign trade imports have grown at a record high rate, and cross-border e-commerce retail sales have grown by more than 40 %. The Ministry of Commerce released data on domestic and foreign needs on the 9th, further releasing the vitality and driving force of economic development.
"May 1st" consumption is prosperous, and the turnover of 11 pedestrian streets has increased by nearly 30 %.
Just past the "May 1st" long vacation, the enthusiasm of "buy and buy" everywhere continues to rise. The consumer market is running smoothly, sales are growing rapidly, and the consumption of goods and services is steadily increasing.
Commodity consumption quality upgrade. During the "May Day" period, fashion apparel, smart home appliances, new digital products, green energy conservation products, outdoor sports products and other goods were sold hot, and sales of emerging industries such as shopping centers, Otras, and online retail increased rapidly.
According to data released by the Ministry of Commerce on the 9th, consumption in large and medium-sized cities has increased. For example, Beijing's key monitoring and circulation companies have achieved sales of 3.22 billion yuan, and average daily sales have increased by 6.5 % from the May 1st holiday last year. Shanghai, Shaanxi, Sichuan and other places all grew by more than 10 %.
In addition to commodity consumption, the consumption of services such as tourism, leisure, catering, culture, and sports continues to be hot. The total number of domestic tourism receptions for the "May 1st" holiday nationwide was 195 million, an increase of 13.7 % according to comparable caliber. Tourism revenue reached 117.67 billion yuan, an increase of 16.1 % year-on-year.
Another bright spot of the May 1st spending was the 11 pedestrian street trials implemented by the Ministry of Commerce nationwide. During the short holiday, passenger traffic increased by 19 cents on the same period as the previous year, and turnover increased by 28 %.
Zhaoping, director of the international trade research department of the China trade promotion association research institute, said that the smooth operation of the Chinese economy in the first quarter and the introduction of a series of tax cuts and fees have boosted consumer confidence and further released consumer demand.
The economy stabilised import growth, with import growth hitting a year high in April
The General Administration of Customs recently released import and export data for the first four months, of which 4.45 trillion yuan was imported, an increase of 2.9 %, an increase of 2.6 percentage points over the first quarter.
It is worth noting that China's imports grew 10.3 per cent year-on-year in April, reversing the negative trend of imports in March, the highest rate since the start of the year.
With regard to the apparent rebound in the growth rate of imports, the Ministry of Commerce's press spokesman's peak believes that it is mainly due to the acceleration of a series of policies and measures such as state tax cuts and fees, and the overall smooth operation of the national economy.
The performance is: China's total social zero growth in the first quarter of 8.3 % year-on-year, the purchasing manager index(PMI) for two consecutive months in the expansion range. Imports of crude oil, iron ore, natural gas and other commodities grew by 2.3 percentage points.
` Although some international organizations have lowered their expectations of global trade growth and China's exports are under some downward pressure, the overall steady growth momentum of foreign trade has not changed, 'Gao said. In the future, the Ministry of Commerce, together with relevant departments, will continue to implement the policy of stabilizing foreign trade, continuously raise the level of trade facilitation, and strive to promote the stability and quality of China's foreign trade.
Consumer escalation fever, cross-border e-commerce retail imports increased by more than 40 % in the first quarter
The wave of consumer upgrading has further stimulated online shopping enthusiasm. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, online retail sales continued to grow rapidly throughout the country in the first quarter of this year. China's online retail sales reached 2.24 trillion yuan, an increase of 15.3 % year-on-year. Among them, online retail sales of physical goods amounted to 1.78 trillion yuan, an increase of 21 % year-on-year, and contributed 41.2 % to the growth of total retail sales of consumer goods.
Cross-border e-commerce has grown rapidly and has become a bright color in online retail. The monitoring of key e-commerce retail import platforms by big business data shows that cross-border e-commerce retail imports have increased by more than 40 % year-on-year. From the source point of view, the top three imports from Japan, the United States, and South Korea accounted for 18 %, 13.3 %, and 11.6 %, respectively. Judging from the category, the top three imports of cosmetics, grain, oil, food and daily necessities accounted for 36.2 %, 24.3 % and 10.0 %, respectively.
In addition, the development potential of rural e-commerce has been continuously released. According to big business data, retail sales in rural areas nationwide reached 357 billion yuan, an increase of 19.5 % year-on-year, 4.2 percentage points higher than the national growth rate.
"It is expected that the online retail market will continue to grow at a fast pace this year, and will play a greater role and make greater contributions in promoting consumption upgrading, boosting poverty alleviation, increasing openness, and providing green services. " said the peak.
Maintain the positive momentum and further optimize the structure of trade in services
According to data from the Ministry of Commerce, in the first quarter, China's service imports and exports were 129.98 billion yuan, an increase of 2.6 % year-on-year. Among them, service exports were 463.49 billion yuan, an increase of 10.3 %; Service imports totaled 828.49 billion yuan, down 1.3 %; The deficit was 365 billion yuan, a decrease of 14.3 %.
In the first quarter, the proportion of services import and export in total foreign trade reached 15.6 %, one percentage point higher than last year, indicating that China's export and import of services has continued to maintain a steady trend of development, said the head of China's services department.
In addition, China's services trade structure has been further optimized, and the share of emerging services has increased. The high quality of trade in services shows its characteristics, and the export of knowledge-intensive high-end services has become a bright spot. In the first quarter, the growth rates of intellectual property royalties, telecommunications computers and information services, other business services, insurance services and other knowledge-intensive services were 52.4 %, 15.1 %, 14.1 % and 11.7 %, respectively.
The person in charge said that the rapid growth of knowledge-intensive high-end services exports shows that China's productive services sector has gradually increased its competitiveness, and the high quality of service trade has become increasingly prominent.
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